Weight Loss Treatment for Sleep Apnea – Plano, TX

Losing the Pounds for Better Sleep

Blonde woman smiling after weight loss treatment for sleep apnea in Plano

Declining overall health can occur for many reasons, but one of the most common is obesity and being overweight. Commonly linked to sleep apnea and other similar sleep disorders, it can lead to what seems like an endless cycle of fatigue. Fortunately, Katie Collier is our family and sleep nurse practitioner at Star Sleep & Wellness in Plano who is ready to help build a plan that encourages positive weight loss and improved sleep. If you are ready to learn what you can do to take control of your health, call us to schedule an appointment with Katie for weight loss treatment for sleep apnea in Plano.

What Triggers Lead to Obesity?

Chubby man sitting on edge of bed

The obesity rate in the United States is growing year after year. With endless distractions keeping people from exercising and eating right, it’s no surprise that the percentage of individuals with sleep apnea and other sleep disorders is also increasing.

With more than 30% of adults and more than 20% of kids between the ages of 10 and 17 considered “obese” in Texas, these percentages are likely due to one or more of the following:

  • Poor eating habits
  • Chronic fatigue caused by sleep apnea or another sleep disorder
  • Limited or no exercise
  • Genetics
  • Certain medications
  • Public determinates

The Reasons for Sleep Apnea

Man in denim shirt falling asleep at desk

Some of the most common causes of sleep apnea are smoking or using tobacco products, nasal congestion, obesity or being overweight, having a deviated septum, or a narrowing of the throat.

With obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) - the most common form of sleep apnea - having fat accumulations around the neck can increase the chances of ceased breathing because it reduces the amount of space for air to move through freely. Without timely and appropriate treatment, sleep apnea can cause cardiovascular problems as well as a decline in cognitive function.

How Does Weight Result in Sleep Apnea?

Person wrapping a tape measure around their stomach

Not everyone who is overweight or obese has sleep apnea, but it does increase the chances of it developing. The inability or desire to exercise because of added weight takes a toll on your heart, mind, and overall well-being. If you have a thick neck, this, too, can place unnecessary pressure on your airway, increasing the possibility of sleep apnea.

Researchers have spent decades attempting to identify the connections between obesity/being overweight and sleep apnea, and they have discovered that if you suffer from both, there is a good chance you will:

  • Be at risk for developing fatty liver disease
  • Be more likely to crave unhealthy foods that contain starches and sugars
  • Be at a higher risk for developing diabetes
  • Suffer from a lack of desire to exercise
  • Have a much slower metabolism

How Weight Loss Can Improve Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Woman in workout clothes smiling on stone staircase

When choosing to do something about your weight, you will discover that shedding a few pounds can even help reduce the symptoms associated with sleep apnea. Working with a qualified professional can help you to develop a plan that addresses exercise, nutrition, and a healthy mindset. Over time, you will discover a change in your mental, emotional, and physical state, which can decrease the potential for more serious health problems.

Improved sleep habits, greater energy, and a positive attitude can lead to better rest and the chance for a healthier, more functional way of life.

What Our Sleep Center Can Do for You

Man and woman smiling together

Star Sleep & Wellness in Plano is pleased to have Katie Collier, our family nurse practitioner, as part of our team. With a background in healthcare and experience helping patients lose weight and keep it off, she can work with you to identify triggers and discuss ways you’ve tried to shed pounds in the past.

After going over your medical history and any medications you’re currently taking, she will use an InBody scale that measures your body composition. Based on your weight, visceral fat, basal metabolic rate, fluid status, body mass index, and body fat percentage, she can determine your calorie deficit and develop a plan that is designed to help you incorporate daily exercise, eat healthier foods, and create positive sleep habits.

You will learn how to read nutrition labels, the best times to eat, how to exercise correctly and safely, and if necessary, which anti-obesity medications can help reduce your appetite and regulate hormones. Each month, you will follow up with Katie so that she can graph your weight loss and make any suggestions or changes to your plan.

How Much Does Weight Loss Treatment for Sleep Apnea Cost?

Woman talking to front desk team member at sleep center

To determine the cost of your weight loss treatment for sleep apnea, you will need to first schedule a consultation with Katie. It is during this visit that she will compile all of her findings and develop a plan that aligns with your needs. Based on this information, she will be able to go over how much you can expect your weight loss treatment for sleep apnea to cost. Certain components of care may or may not be covered by your medical insurance; however, a member of our team will review your policy and help to find ways to lower any out-of-pocket expenses.